Joseph: A Man Led by the Spirit

A Lesson in Obedience [The Forgotten Hero, Pt.2]

Mike Panton
The Gospel Conversation


wheat field with an out-of-focus man in the background and a gray sky
Photo by Alekon pictures on Unsplash

When Joseph discovered that his fiancee was pregnant, he didn’t flip a lid. He calmly decided to divorce her quietly, thus sparring her from the full brunt of her “sin.”

Joseph was a man of Christ-like character. As such, God had the opportunity to speak. However, God did not send an angel as He did with Mary. God did not send a prophet. God sent a dream, thus setting a precedent in Joseph’s life.

The Dreams

Whenever God needed to get through to Joseph, He spoke in dreams.

We don’t typically think of Joseph as a dreamer. In fact, Joseph of the Old Testament is far more associated with dreams than the husband of Mary, but dreams played a pivotal role in the life of Joseph and his young family.

Joseph married his “unfaithful” bride based on a dream (Matt 1:20).

Joseph and his family fled as refugees to Egypt based on a dream (Matt 2:13).

Joseph moved his family to Nazareth based on a dream (Matt 2:22).

Joseph, throughout his life, made life-altering decisions based solely on dreams.

Can you imagine doing that?

When we read the story today, it’s easy to forget the human element. We know with certainty that those dreams were from God because it’s written in scripture. We have the full story. Joseph didn’t.

No matter how clear those dreams may have been, I’m sure it wasn’t long before doubt snaked its way in. Was that dream really from God?

Is this really from God, or is it just me?

That’s the question we’ve all struggled with — and that’s okay — but what are you going to do about it?

There is a time for waiting and wrestling (God is patient and gracious), and there is a time for obedience. Don’t let your doubts, questions, and fears hinder what God is trying to do in and through your life.

You will never be 100% sure about anything, but if you’re walking with Jesus, you don’t have to be. Trust that if you make a mistake, He will guide you back onto the right path before you stray too far.

Joseph was a man of Christ-like character. God is searching for godly men and women like Joseph whom He can trust with great (and difficult) things.

Can He trust you?

Joseph was also a man led by the Spirit. God knew that when He spoke, His servant was listening and willing to obey, even if it meant uprooting his young family and traveling hundreds of miles to a foreign country based on a dream.

Are you open to the Holy Spirit’s “voice” in your life?

Discerning God’s Will

Many people wish God would speak to them supernaturally. There’s a belief that faith and obedience would be easier that way. However, in reality, the opposite is more likely to be true.

We belittle the role of our minds, our hearts, and our communities in the discernment of God’s voice and call. We beg God to speak to us, all the while ignoring His voice.

What’s easier? To make a big decision based on a dream or vision, or based on prayerful research, reflection, and wise counsel?

For the most part, God only reveals His will supernaturally when it goes against conventional and biblical wisdom, which is rare.

Our Response: Putting Feet to Faith

Why did God choose Joseph?

Joseph was a spirit-led man of Christ-like character.

He was slow to react, but quick to obey.

He was compassionate and courageous.

He was a man whom God could trust to handle adversity with godly perseverance.

Reflection Questions

Where have you been too quick to react (i.e. too emotional)?

Where have you been too slow to obey?

Where have you been fear-focused rather than faith-focused?

Pray: Lord, I surrender myself to you. Make me like Jesus, full of compassion and courage. Build me up into a man/woman whom you can trust with great things to do great things. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Read Part 1 Here: Joseph: A Man of Christ-Like Character



Mike Panton
The Gospel Conversation

Creator of "The Gospel Conversation" // Husband & dad of 3 boys // International Church Pastor // Virginia 🇺🇸 - Indonesia 🇮🇩 // Chi Alpha at UVA alum